Publication list & downloads Louis Meuleman
PS4SD publishes research papers on a variety of topics, from SDGs, to Meta-Governance, to science and policy.
Publications by Louis Meuleman can be found on this page; publications by Ingeborg Niestroy are here.
Meuleman, L. 2023. A “Power Package” to Enhance Quality Public Administration and Governance. Guest article published on 4 October 2023 on
Meuleman, L. 2023. Innovative Multilevel Coordination and Preparedness after COVID-19. In: World Public Sector Report 2023. UNDESA, New York
Meuleman, L. 2023. A metagovernance approach to multilevel governance and vertical coordination for the SDGs. In: Governing the Interlinkages between the SDGs: Approaches, Opportunities and Challenges (Routledge)
Meuleman, L. 2023 (advance copy). Waking up a Sleeping beauty? Towards a Quality Protocol for Indicator SDG 17.14.1 on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD). EUPACK 2022 Thematic Report. Publications Office of the European Union
Meuleman, L., Versmann, A, Niestroy, I. and Valentini, F. (2023). Peer 2 Peer for Mainstreaming the SDGs in Regulatory Impact Assessment. Part 1 (Main Report) and Part 2 (Workshops). Brussels: PS4SD.
Niestroy, I. and Meuleman, L. (2022). Managing the Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2022
Meuleman, L. 2022. What about the governance of evidence-informed policymaking? Blog published online by the European Commission’s Joint Research centre JRC.
Meuleman, L., Versmann, A., Valentini, F., Niestroy, I., Caiger-Smith, I. 2022. Management of Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development: Towards measuring progress. Thematic study, ICF /European Commission, EUPACK 4 Programme.
Meuleman, L. 2021.Public Administration and Governance for the SDGs: Navigating between Change and Stability. In: Sustainability 2021, 13(11), 5914.
Meuleman, L., Moubayed Bissat, L., Nemec, J., and Fraser-Moleketi, G., 2021. Sustainable public procurement in the decade of action and delivery for sustainable development. UNDESA/CEPA, New York.
Meuleman, L. (2020). It takes more than markets: First lessons from the Covid-19 pandemic for climate governance. In: Journal of the European Court of Auditors, 2020 Nr 2. pp 18-21.
Meuleman, L. (2020). It Takes More Than Markets: First Governance Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic. Guest article IISD, 7 April 2020
Meuleman, L. and Niestroy, I. (2019). Economics and governance for sustainability. Public Sector Economics, Vol. 43, Issue 4, 337 – 343.
Meuleman, L. (2019). Why We Need ‘Real-time’ Multi-level Governance for the SDGs. Guest article IISD, 13 June 2019
Meuleman, L. (2018). Metagovernance for Sustainability: A Framework for Implementing the SDGs. London: Routledge.
Meuleman, L. (2018). Metagovernance for Sustainability: A Full Toolbox for Implementing the SDGs. Guest article IISD, 16 October 2018.
Meuleman, L. (2018). Let’s think beyond PPPs: We Need New Partnerships for the SDGs. In: Global Goals Yearbook 2018, pp. 68-69. Münster: Macondo Publishing.
Bouckaert, G., Chawdhry, U., Meuleman, L., Fraser-Moleketi, G., and Pizani, M. (2018). Effective governance for sustainable development: 11 principles to be put in practice. Guest article IISD, 7 August 2018.
Monteiro, M. B., Partidário, M. & Meuleman, L. (2018). Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 72, 79-87. A comparative analysis on how different governance contexts may influence Strategic Environmental Assessment.
Meuleman, L. (2018). Promoting Policy and Institutional Coherence for the SDGs. Paper prepared for the 17th Session of the UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration, New York, 23-27 April 2018.
Meuleman, L. (2018). It is about time to promote policy and institutional coherence for the SDGs. Guest article IISD, 17 April 2018.
Challe, S., Christopoulos, S., Kull, M., Meuleman, Louis, 2017. Steering the Poverty-Environment Nexus in Central Asia: A Metagovernance Analysis of the Poverty Environment Initiative (PEI). Development Policy Review 1467-7679
Meuleman, L. and de Coninck, H. (2016). Voorbij de vrijblijvendheid in het duurzaamheidsdebat. In: Bieckmann, F. and Sie, M. (ed.)(2016): De belofte van een ander Europa. Naar een Europese Unie van waarde, pp. 119-136. Jaarboek WBS. Amsterdam, Wiardi Beckmann Stichting / Van Gennip.
Niestroy, I. and Meuleman, L. (2016). Teaching Silos to Dance: A Condition to Implement the SDGs. Guest article IISD, 21 July 2016.
Meuleman, L. (2016). The implementation of the EU SEA Directive: Main achievements and challenges. In: B. Sadler and J. Dusik (Eds),European and international Experience of Strategic Environmental Assessment: Recent Progress and Future Prospects, pp 57-83.
Meuleman, L. and Niestroy, I. (2015). Common But Differentiated Governance: A Metagovernance Approach to Make the SDGs Work. Sustainability 2015, 7, 12295-12321. Download:
Niestroy, I. and Meuleman, L. (2015). Common But Differentiated Governance: Making the SDGs Work. Guest article IISD, 21 April 2015.
Meuleman, L. (2015). Owl meets Beehive: How Impact Assessment and Governance relate. In: Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 33:1, 4-15, DOI: 10.1080/14615517.2014.956436.
Meuleman, L. (2014). Governance Frameworks. Bill Freedman (ed.), Global Environmental Change,DOI 10.1007/978-94-007-5784-4_59, # Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014.
Konrad, R., L. Meuleman and J.Parker (2014). Europe and green economy: environmental policy as part of the solution to the crisis. Ecoscienza. Italian original version: Le politiche ambientali come soluzione alla crisi
Meuleman, L. and R. in ‘t Veld (2013). Waarom duurzame ontwikkeling niet lukt en hoe het anders kan. In: S&D, The Hague: WBS. Online since 27.06.2013.
Meuleman, L. (2013). Governance. ‘Fastip’ on Impact Assessment and Governance, published on the website of the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA).
Meuleman, L. (2013). Metagovernance as catalyst for sustainable change in rural areas. Paper presented at the ESRS conference 29 July- 1st August 2013 in Florence, Italy.
Meuleman, L. (2013). Terra incognita: the governance dimension of impact assessment. Paper presented at the 33th annual conference of the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), Calgary, Canada, 13-16 May 2013.
Meuleman, L. (Ed.) (2013). Transgovernance: Advancing Sustainability Governance. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag.
Meuleman, L. (2013). Cultural diversity and sustainability metagovernance. In: L. Meuleman (Ed.) (2012), Transgovernance: Advancing Sustainability Governance. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag, pp 37-81.
Meuleman, L. (2012), Cognitive dissonance and evidence‐based sustainability policy-making. Paper presented at the 2012 Berlin Conference on Evidence for Sustainable Development, 5-6- October 2012.
Meuleman, L. (2012), Transgovernance: Duurzaamheidsgovernance met de blik naar buiten. Published at
Meuleman, L. (2011), Metagoverning governance styles: broadening the public manager’s action perspective. In: Torfing, J. and Triantafillou, P. (Eds.). Interactive Policymaking, Metagovernance and Democracy. ECPR, pp 95-110.
Meuleman, L. (2011), Metagovernance. In: B. Badie, D. Berg-Schlosser and & L. Morlino (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Political Science, pp 1555-1558. Thousand Oaks, Ca.: Sage Publications Inc
Meuleman, L. (2011), Publiek Management als metagovernance. In: Karssing, E., H. Bossert and L. Meuleman (Eds.) (2011), Management in Beweging. De belangrijkste inzichten en ontwikkelingen in de publieke sector, pp 141-158. Assen: Van Gorcum.
Karssing, E., H. Bossert and L. Meuleman (Eds.) (2011), Management in Beweging. De belangrijkste inzichten en ontwikkelingen in de publieke sector. Assen: Van Gorcum.
Meuleman, L. and F. Schmidt (2011), Transgovernance – Nachhaltigkeit neu betrachtet. In: GlobalCompact Deutschland 2011, pp 54-56.
Meuleman, L. (2010), The Cultural Dimension of Metagovernance. Why Governance Doctrines May Fail. Public Organization Review, Volume 10, Number 1 / March, 2010, pp 49-70.
Meuleman, L. (2010), Metagovernance of climate politics: Moving towards more variation. Paper presented at the Unitar/Yale conference ‘Strengthening Institutions to Address Climate Change and Advance a Green Economy’ (Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, 17-19 September 2010).
Meuleman, L. and R.J. in ‘t Veld (2010), Sustainable development and the governance of long-term decisions. In: In ‘t Veld, R. J. (Ed.)(2010), Knowledge Democracy. Consequences for Science, Politics, and Media, pp. 255-281. Heidelberg: Springer.
Meuleman, L. and H. Tromp (2010), The governance of usable and welcome knowledge, two perspectives. In: In ‘t Veld, R.J. (Ed.)(2010), Knowledge Democracy. Consequences for Science, Politics, and Media, pp. 214-224. Heidelberg: Springer.
Meuleman, L. and R.J. in ‘t Veld (2009), Sustainable Development and the Governance of Long-Term Decision Making. The Hague: RMNO/EEAC.
Meuleman, L. (2008), Public management and the metagovernance of hierarchies, networks and markets. PhD Dissertation. Heidelberg: Springer.
Meuleman, L. (2008): Reflections on metagovernance and community policing: The Utrecht case in the Netherlands and questions about the cultural transferability of governancer approaches and metagovernance. In: Bissessar (ed.)(2008), Governance And Institutional Reengineering. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing Ltd, pp 151-183.
De Zeeuw, A., R.J. in ’t Veld, D. van Soest, L. Meuleman and P. Hoogewoning (2008): Social Cost Benefit Analysis for Environmental Policy-Making. The Hague: RMNO.
Meuleman, L. (2007), Programmasturing: schakelen tussen netwerken, hierarchie en marktdenken. In: Programmasturing: Een tussenstand. Basisprincipes, ontwikkeling en theorie. Warnsveld: School voor Politieleiderschap.
Meuleman, L. (2006), Internal metagovernance as a new challenge for management development.Post-Bureaucratic management: a new age for public services? EFMD conference held: Aix-en-Provence, 14-16 June 2006.
Bossert, H., L. Meuleman, J. Weber and N. Zwennes (Eds.)(2006), Public Governance van theorie naar praktijk. The Hague: SDU/VOM, 185 pp.
In ‘t Veld, R.J., G. Bartels and L. Meuleman (2006), Sustainable development of tourism. Den Haag: Lemma/RMNO, 77 pp. [Also published in a Dutch language version]
In ‘t Veld, R.J., L. Docter, A. Dijkzeul and L. Meuleman (2006), Koudwatervrees: Lessen uit het project waterketen Limburg over ketens, netwerken en processen. Den Haag: Lemma/RMNO, 52 pp.
Rijnja, G. and L. Meuleman (2004), Maken we beleid begrijpelijk of maken we begrijpelijk beleid? In: Platform Nr. 1, pp.28-43. Den Haag: Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst.
Meuleman, L. and L. Klinkers (Eds.)(2004), Kleur bekennen: Integratiebeleid, denkstijlen en bestuursstijlen. Den Haag: SDU, 83 pp.
Dijkstra, M. and L. Meuleman (2004), Naar een innovatief integratiebeleid. In: L. Meuleman and L. Klinkers (Eds.)(2004), Kleur Bekennen, pp. 11-24.
Meuleman, L. (2003), The Pegasus Principle: Reinventing a credible public sector. Utrecht: Lemma, 235 pp.
Meuleman, L. (2003), Flexibly organising governance styles. In: Meuleman/Niestroy/Hey (eds.): Environmental Governance in Europe (pp. 220-237). RMNO/EEAC. Utrecht: Lemma.
Meuleman, L., I. Niestroy and C. Hey (Eds.)(2003), Environmental Governance in Europe. Utrecht: Lemma, 235 pp..
Meuleman, L. and A. Roobeek (2002), Drie organiseerprincipes voor Leren voor Duurzaamheid: betrokkenheid, interactiviteit en een netwerkomgeving. In: B. Wijffels (Ed.) De kroon op het werk: De rol van leerprocessen in het streven naar een duurzame samenleving. Amsterdam: NCDO

News about Louis’ publications
Building capacity for evidence-informed po …
The project "Building capacity for evidence informed policymaking (EIPM) in governance and public administration in post-pandemic Europe" supported seven European Union (EU) member states in...
Cities for Sustainability Governance: A Go …
The URBACT project ‘Cities for Sustainability Governance’ (CSG) organised an online workshop on 18-11-2024 to share experiences and successes in local sustainability governance. Experts from five...
Science-Policy in the Netherlands
On 11 December 2024, the final report of an analysis of the Dutch science-policy 'ecosystem' was presented to the permanent secretaries of the Ministries of Science and of the Interior, in The...
A Power Package for Public Institutions
SDG Targets 16.6 and 17.14 should become the heart of a ‘power package’ to boost public administration and governance fitness to implement the SDGs, writes Louis Meuleman in a guest article at Download the pdf version.
Innovative Multi-Level Governance
Sept 2023 - The United Nations' World Public Sector Report 2023 includes an article written by Louis Meuleman on "Innovative Multilevel Coordination and Preparedness after COVID-19". The article can...