PS4SD contributes to making societies more sustainable by supporting better governance for better policies. Our ongoing and recent projects are presented on this page.
Recent and ongoing projects
PS4SD has undertaken a range of projects in recent years.
Currently ongoing projects:
1. European Commission / JRC
Lead authoring the deliverables of the Netherlands expert team for a JRC/OECD 7-countries study on improving the national evidence-informed policymaking ecosystems
2. ICF (for European Commission / DG REFORM)
Participation in the core team of the EUPACK 2023 project
3. Council of Europe
Support for the drafting of a paper on Green Publicv Administration and a paper on Multi-level governance
4. CONCORD Europe
Organisation of a high-level event on Policy Coherence for ustainable development
Support on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development in Romania
6. European Environment Agency
Sustainability Measurement and Assessment
7. City of Tallinn
Support with peer review of the sustainability strategy and actions
Recently finalised projects:
1. WWF Europe (2023)
Analysis of how the European Commission integrate climate issues in its impact assessments
2. German Ministry of Environment and Consumer Protection
Project aiming at mainstreaming the SDGs into national RIA procedures, This project has its own webpage.
3. OECD (2021)
Supporting OECD with the European Commission’s DG REFORM project ”Design of a Capacity Building Programme for Public Administration to Support the Implementation and Carrying Out of Actions for SDGs and Sustainable Development” in Poland. The project aims at improving civil servants’ competencies and strengthening governance frameworks for a holistic cross-sectoral approach to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in line with the OECD Recommendation on PCSD.
Contribution to a Handbook on the use of SDG indicator 17.14.1 on policy coherence for sustainable development
5. Central European Initiative (CEI) (2019-20)
Contribution of CEI to UN Agenda 2030 and its implementation in CEI Member States
(more tbc)
Past projects were commissioned by among others:
Our projects
2022-2023 Projects | European Commission
EUPACK Programme (European Union Public Administration Country Knowledge) 2022
European Commission, DG REFORM / 2022-23
As subcontractor of ICF, PS4SD has been member of the coordination team of EUPACK 2022.
PS4SD: Louis Meuleman
Waking up a Sleeping beauty? Towards a Quality Protocol for Indicator SDG 17.14.1 on Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development (PCSD)
European Commission, DG REFORM / 2023
Conducting a thematic study for the EUPACK Programme (European Union Public Administration Country Knowledge) 2022, with a multi-country peer learning workshop.
PS4SD team: Louis Meuleman, Andreas Versmann, Ingeborg Niestroy, Francesca Valentini
Building capacity for evidence-informed policymaking in governance and public administrations in a
post-pandemic Europe
European Commission, DG REFORM / 2022-23
As subcontractor of ICF, PS4SD has been member of the coordination team of EUPACK 2022.
PS4SD: Louis Meuleman
2022-2023 Projects | OECD
Governments’ capacities to
address global and transboundary challenges: The role of policy coherence for sustainable development.
OECD / 2023
Drafting paper
PS4SD: Louis Meuleman, Ingeborg Niestroy
Proposal for an Implementation Roadmap for the National Action Plan for Implementing the NSDS – Romania 2030.
OECD / 2023
Description TBA
PS4SD: Louis Meuleman
Governments’ capacities to address global and transboundary challenges: The role of policy coherence for sustainable development.
OECD 2023
Description TBA
PS4SD: Louis Meuleman, Ingeborg Niestroy
Proposal for an Implementation Roadmap for the National Action Plan for Implementing the NSDS – Romania 2030.
OECD / 2023
Description TBA
PS4SD: Louis Meuleman
2022-2023 Projects | WWF Europe
Study on Checking the consistency of EU legislation
with the Climate Law and the
do-no-significant-harm principle – An evaluation of Impact Assessments of the European Commission
WWF Europe / 2023
Description TBA
PS4SD team: Andreas Versmann, Sibout Nooteboom,Francesca Valentini, Louis Meuleman, Ingeborg Niestroy
In focus
New governance insights to advance the Sus …
From 15-19 April 2023, the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) met at the UN HQ in New York for its annual session....
Tallinn Peer Review
SEPT 2023 - Estonia's capital Tallinn, in 2023 the proud European Green City, has developed an ambitous and comprehensive governance framework for...