“This is both a theoretical masterpiece and practical handbook” (Bob Jessop). “This is a ‘metabook’ which will inspire and guide all those responsible for and studying the SDGs” (Geert Bouckaert). “This book will become the core text in this area” (Paul Jackson). “This book is an important read for every practitioner from developing and developed countries alike” (Geraldine J Fraser-Moleketi). “A book that is a must for those who strive for enhanced professionalism in governance for sustainable development” (Roel in ‘t Veld). “What makes this book a must-read is the emphasis on how to get to differentiated governance for the SDGs” (Guenther Bachmann).
Publications SDGs
Principles for effective governance
Louis co-authored a Guest article with an overview of 11 useful principles for the SDGs with examples of concrete strategies. Compiled by the Committee of Experts on Public Administration in April...
Teaching Silos to Dance: A Condition to Im …
Ingeborg and Louis wrote this guest article for IISD , following discussions at e.g. the HLPF. We argue that while the SDGs require breaking down "mental silos" to allow for change, the common call...
How are we getting ready? New report on th …
Inge wrote a report for the German Development Institute (DIE) on the state of play around implementation of the SDGs in the EU: "How are we getting ready? The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable...
Governance approaches and tools for SD int …
On request of UN DESA, Inge wrote a paper on good practice at national level as regards governance approaches and tools for Sustainable Development Integration (SDI).
Voorbij de vrijblijvendheid in het duurzaa …
Louis co-authored a book chapter on a value-based approach to sustainable development at EU level (in Dutch). Meuleman, L., Heleen de Coninck (2016). In: Bieckmann, F. and Sie, M. (ed.)(2016): De...