
Checking the consistency of EU legislation with the Climate Law and the do-no-significant-harm principle

Checking the consistency of EU legislation with the Climate Law and the do-no-significant-harm principle

Nov 2023 – A report PS4SD made for WWF Europe on two aspects of the 2021 revision of the European Commission’s Impact Assessment (IA) guidelines and tools shows some reason for concern. The consistency with EU Climate Law and the do-no-significant-harm principle was found not to be well implemented. In 11 out of the 20 reviewed IAs, the overview on relevant SDGs was missing in the Annexes of the respective IA reports.

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A Power Package for Public Institutions

A Power Package for Public Institutions

SDG Targets 16.6 and 17.14 should become the heart of a ‘power package’ to boost public administration and governance fitness to implement the SDGs, writes Louis Meuleman in a guest article at Download the pdf version.

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Innovative Multi-Level Governance

Innovative Multi-Level Governance

Sept 2023 - The United Nations' World Public Sector Report 2023 includes an article written by Louis Meuleman on "Innovative Multilevel Coordination and Preparedness after COVID-19". The article can...

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Contribution of CEI to UN Agenda 2030 and its implementation in CEI Member States

In the framework of the 5th anniversary of the adoption of Agenda 2030, the Central European Initiative, a collaboration of 17 countries, launched the report “Contribution of CEI to UN Agenda 2030 and its implementation in CEI Member States”, made by a Public Strategy for Sustainable Development team with Ingeborg Niestroy (lead), Sally Nicholson and Gaetane Charlier, in cooperation with the CEI-Executive Secretariat.

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