21 Presentations Louis Meuleman in 2024:
02-12-2024 Amsterdam, Netherlands. Presentation on greening better regulation. EU Regwatch Network, hosted by ATR.
26-11-2024 Berlin, Germany. Training day on 4 governance themes for Moldanian public managers. Executive course, Hertie School of Governance.
22-11-2024 Leuven, Belgium. Guest lecture on Digitalisation and metagovernance.
18-11-2024 (online). Workshop on a self-assessment tool on governance styles, for the URBACT Cities for Sustainability Governance Network
13-11-2024 Bucharest, Romania (online), Workshop Sustainable Development “Mobilizing a Next Generation of Leaders”.Keynote on ‘Collaborative leadership for sustainable impact’. World bank & Govt. of Romania.
22-10-2024 Copenhagen, Denmark, presentation ‘The cost of inaction – Why we need Late Lessons from Early Warnings 3. 89th Meeting of the Scientific Committee of the European Environment Agency.
18-09-2024 (online) UNDESA Webinar on Localization of the SDGs. Presentation ‘Effective localization of the SDGs needs a collaborative mindset at local & national level’
16-09-2024 Brussels, Belgium, Training on mixing governance styles (metagovernance) . GOLD Training Belgian federal civil servants.
21-06-2024 Prague, Czech Republic, Presentations on ‘Sustainability Impact Assessments (SIA): Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats’ and on ‘Mainstreaming sustainability in regulatory reviews: The project Peer 2 Peer for Mainstreaming the SDGs in Regulatory Impact Assessment’, at a CZ/OECD workshop on Regulatory Impact Assessments and Evaluations.
20-06-2024 Republic of Korea (online), Presentation on ‘Trends, Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainability Governance in Turbulent times at the 2024 Annual KAPA International Conference
17/18-06-2024, Mannheim, Germany, Presentation on ‘What role for European cities in the multi-level governance of the 2030 Agenda and beyond?’ and moderating a Mayors’ Round table; presenting on and conducting workshop on ‘Governance styles and tools’ at the URBACT Cities for Sustainability Governance network. Impressions and videos. https://urbact.eu/csg-mayors-met-mannheim-storytelling-training-and-roundtable-discussion
14-06-2024, Bucharest, Romania (online), Presentation on ‘Challenges and Opportunities of SDG (Meta)Governance in Turbulent Times’, at the 7th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
11to13-06 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark, 88th Session Scientific Committtee of the European Environment Agency
06-06-2024, Brussels, participation at the European Sustainable Development Network ESDN Conference
21-05-2024, Oulu, Finland, Presentation on ‘Metagovernance for Sustainability: Governance in Turbulent Times’ at the Communicating Sustainability Workshop, University of Oulu.
15-05-2024, Brussels, presentation on ‘How to generate ‘smart Dutch’ impact in ‘Brussels’ on the green transition, under a changing geopolitical world order’, for senior management team of Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure & Water.
30-04-2024, Brussels, presentation at EU Enlargement Day, representing the Council of Europe, on ‘Local government public procurement, spending, and workforce mindsets: peer-to-peer cooperation and inspiring practices’.
26-04-2024, Vienna, Austria, presentation on ‘Making science and policy work together and better understand the long-term challenges of the green transition’ at the Ministerial Western Balkans and Türkiye Conference of Environment Ministers.
14to18-04-2024 New York, various presentations and moderations at the 23rd session of the UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA)
26-03-2024, New York, (online), UNDP Energy Governance webinar, presentation
25-03-2024, Brussels, guest workshop on ‘How to choose an effective mix of governance styles (metagovernance)?’ (in Dutch) for for Belgian federal government managers (GOLD training).
12/13 February 2024, Dubai, Participation at Global Government Summit and Ministerial Roundtable on the SDGs.