From 15-19 April 2023, the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) met at the UN HQ in New York for its annual session. As vice chair, Louis Meuleman and the other members of the Bureau of this high-level committee, together with the CEPA Secretariat at UNDESA, guided the discussions with the 24 members and a large number of observers and speakers. The sessions will be livestreamed in the six official UN languages. Papers that were prepared are available online, including the thematic paper new governance insights, which also served as basis for CEPA’s input for the HLPF meeting in July 2024 in New York.
SD Conference Bucharest
The National Action Plan for the implementation of Romania’s Sustainable Development Strategy 2030 was launched in Bucharest on 23th June 2022. Download here the PPT presented by Louis Meuleman.