Urgently transforming institutions for a greener, more inclusive and more resilient world at a time of multiple crises is the title of a presentation on 27 March 2023 by Louis Meuleman at the annual session in at the UN Head quarters in New York of the UN’s special advisory body on governance, the UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA). Louis was just before this re-elected as one of the three vice chairs of the committee. The presentation summarised the contribution of CEPA for the 2023 High-Level Political Forum on the SDGs (HLPF). The presentation can be downloaded here, and the video recording of the session can be viewed here (from min. 38).
New governance insights to advance the Sus …
From 15-19 April 2023, the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) met at the UN HQ in New York for its annual session. As vice chair, Louis Meuleman and the other...