Public Strategy
for Sustainable Development
Ultimately, it’s all about governance!
Presentations/Conferences 2024
Presentations and conference participation Louis Meuleman in 2024 so far:
21-06-2024 Prague, Czech Republic, Presentations on ‘Sustainability Impact Assessments (SIA): Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats’ and on ‘Mainstreaming sustainability in regulatory reviews: The project Peer 2 Peer for Mainstreaming the SDGs in Regulatory Impact Assessment’, at a CZ/OECD workshop on Regulatory Impact Assessments and Evaluations.
20-06-2024 Republic of Korea (online), Presentation on ‘Trends, Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainability Governance in Turbulent times at the 2024 Annual KAPA International Conference
17/18-06-2024, Mannheim, Germany, Presentation on ‘What role for European cities in the multi-level governance of the 2030 Agenda and beyond?’ and moderating a Mayors’ Round table; presenting on and conducting workshop on ‘Governance styles and tools’ at the URBACT Cities for Sustainability Governance network. Impressions and videos.
14-06-2024, Bucharest, Romania (online), Presentation on ‘Challenges and Opportunities of SDG (Meta)Governance in Turbulent Times’, at the 7th International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences, Bucharest University of Economic Studies
11to13-06 2024, Copenhagen, Denmark, 88th Session Scientific Committtee of the European Environment Agency
06-06-2024, Brussels, participation at the European Sustainable Development Network ESDN Conference
24-05-2024, Florence, Italy, participation at the State of the Union Conference at the European University Institute
21-05-2024, Oulu, Finland, Presentation on ‘Metagovernance for Sustainability: Governance in Turbulent Times’ at the Communicating Sustainability Workshop, University of Oulu.
15-05-2024, Brussels, presentation on ‘How to generate ‘smart Dutch’ impact in ‘Brussels’ on the green transition, under a changing geopolitical world order’, for senior management team of Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure & Water.
30-04-2024, Brussels, presentation at EU Enlargement Day, representing the Council of Europe, on ‘Local government public procurement, spending, and workforce mindsets: peer-to-peer cooperation and inspiring practices’.
26-04-2024, Vienna, Austria, presentation on ‘Making science and policy work together and better understand the long-term challenges of the green transition’ at the Ministerial Western Balkans and Türkiye Conference of Environment Ministers.
14to18-04-2024 New York, various presentations and moderations at the 23rd session of the UN Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA)
26-03-2024, New York, (online), UNDP Energy Governance webinar, presentation on *
25-03-2024, Brussels, guest workshop on ‘How to choose an effective mix of governance styles (metagovernance)?’ (in Dutch) for for Belgian federal government managers (GOLD training).
12/13 February 2024, Dubai, Participation at Global Government Summit and Ministerial Roundtable on the SDGs.
Farm, Food and Planetary Boundaries
The 3rd Beau Lieu Café of this year on 17.10.2023 in Brussels was a great success, with 100 participants interacting in a lively debate on "Farm,...
New governance insights to advance the Sustainable Development Goals and eradicate poverty
From 15-19 April 2023, the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration (CEPA) meets at the UN HQ in New York for its...
Tallinn Peer Review
SEPT 2023 - Estonia's capital Tallinn, in 2023 the proud European Green City, has developed an ambitous and comprehensive governance...
Checking the consistency of EU legislation with the Climate Law and the do-no-significant-harm principle
Nov 2023 - A report PS4SD made for WFF Europe on the implementation of the 2021 revision of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA)...
A Power Package for Public Institutions
OCT 2023 - SDG Targets 16.6 and 17.14 should become the heart of a 'power package' to boost public administration and governance fitness to...
Meta Governance
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